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Welcome to Ambledown Medical Aid Gap Cover.


Ambledown is one of the leading health insurance providers for all South African medical aid scheme members. Offering a variety of gap cover products to suit your specific needs & budget.

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Ambledown Gap Cover

Family cover from as little as R 245 PM

As a private Medical Aid Scheme member, you would think that an in-hospital procedure would be covered in full, unfortunately this is not so. Consequently, most Medical Aid Schemes will only cover in-hospital services rendered by a Medical Specialist at the Medical Scheme Rate. Visit Ambledown Website >

  • Medical Scheme Rate (MSR) is the amount your medical aid are prepared to pay for specific treatments and procedures.
  • A Shortfall (Gap) is the difference medical practitioner’s charge above the Medical Aid Tariff (MST) rate for authorised in-hospital surgical and specific out of hospital procedures.
  • The Gap is defined as services rendered by a Medical Practitioner who charges above the MST.

To sum up, when you are insured by Ambledown Gap Cover you will receive a benefit to cover the Gap for any authorised in-hospital procedures, subject to specified limitations.

In conclusion, the Gap Cover Series offer affordable Insurance Products that provide shortfall cover for you and your immediate family.

Ambledown 2025 Updates Compared

Brochures, Benefits & Rand figures displayed are prone to change without notice, contact us for latest benefits & pricing.

Gap Cover 100

Gap Cover 100
PremiumUp to age 65: Single or Family: R 466
Age 66 and over: Single or Family: R 706
Overall Annual LimitR 210 580 per person per annum
Shortfall between the Medical Scheme Rate
and the private rates (in-hospital) charged
by the Medical Practioner or Specialist
up to 500%
Co-Payment Cover No Benefit
Sub-limit benefit No Benefit
Oncology & biologicalsNo Benefit
Additional Benefits
Cover for Day hospital/ clinic or in-room procedureNo Benefit
Primary CareNo Benefit
Specialist consultant feeNo Benefit
Emergency Room Cover - Accident and EmergencyCasualty Benefit R 11 000 per policy.
Preventative CareNo Benefit
Appliance benefitNo Benefit
Trauma CounsellingNo Benefit
Accidental DeathNo Benefit
Child related illnessNo Benefit
Gap Premium WaiverNo Benefit
Medical Aid Premium WaiverNo Benefit
Initial Cancer DiagnosisNo Benefit
Hospital account shortfallsNo Benefit
Step down or physical rehabNo Benefit

Gap Plus

Gap Plus
PremiumUp to age 65 Single or Family: R 588
Age 66 and over Single or Family: R 771
Overall Annual LimitR 210 580 per person per annum
Shortfall between the Medical Scheme Rate
and the private rates (in-hospital) charged
by the Medical Practioner or Specialist
Up to 300%
Co-Payment CoverSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Co-payment or deductibles for certain
procedures (eg. Scopes) done in-hospital
One penalty co-payment R15 000 limit
Sub-limit benefit No Benefit
Oncology & biologicals No Benefit
Additional Benefits
Cover for Day hospital/ clinic or in-room procedureNo Benefit
Primary CareNo Benefit
Specialist consultant feeNo Benefit
Emergency Room Cover - Accident and EmergencyCasualty Benefit R 11 000 per policy.
Preventative CareNo Benefit
Appliance benefitNo Benefit
Trauma CounsellingNo Benefit
Accidental DeathNo Benefit
Child related illnessNo Benefit
Gap Premium WaiverNo Benefit
Medical Aid Premium WaiverNo Benefit
Initial Cancer DiagnosisNo Benefit
Hospital account shortfallsNo Benefit
Step down or physical rehabNo Benefit

Gap Select

Gap Select
PremiumUp to age 65: Single or Family: R 693
Age 66 and over: Single or Family: R 995
Overall Annual LimitR 210 580 per person per annum
Shortfall between the Medical Scheme Rate
and the private rates (in-hospital) charged
by the Medical Practioner or Specialist
up to 600%
Co-Payment CoverSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Co-payment or deductibles for certain
procedures (eg. Scopes) done in-hospital
One penalty co-payment R15 000 limit
Sub-limit benefitSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Oncology & biologicalsSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Additional Benefits
Cover for Day hospital/ clinic or in-room procedureNo benefit
Primary CareNo benefit
Specialist consultant feeNo benefit
Emergency Room Cover - Accident and EmergencyUp to R11 000
Preventative CareNo benefit
Appliance benefitNo benefit
Trauma CounsellingNo benefit
Accidental DeathNo benefit
Child related illnessNo benefit
Gap Premium WaiverNo benefit
Medical Aid Premium WaiverNo Benefit
Initial Cancer DiagnosisR50 000 subject to exclusions and conditions
Hospital account shortfallsNo benefit
Step down or physical rehabNo benefit

Gap Supreme

Gap Supreme
PremiumUp to age 65: R 748 per family
Not applicable to ages 66+
Overall Annual LimitR 210 580 per person per annum
Shortfall between the Medical Scheme Rate
and the private rates (in-hospital) charged
by the Medical Practioner or Specialist
up to 600%
Co-Payment CoverSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Co-payment or deductibles for certain
procedures (eg. Scopes) done in-hospital
One penalty co-payment R15000 limit
Sub-limit benefitSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Oncology & biologicalsSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Additional Benefits
Cover for Day hospital/ clinic or in-room procedureNo benefit
Primary CareNo benefit
Specialist consultant feeNo benefit
Emergency Room Cover - Accident and EmergencyR 11,000.00
Preventative CareNo benefit
Appliance benefitNo benefit
Trauma CounsellingNo benefit
Accidental DeathNo benefit
Child related illnessNo benefit
Gap Premium Waiver6 months subject to conditions
Medical Aid Premium Waiver6 months subject to conditions
Initial Cancer DiagnosisR50 000 subject to exclusions and conditions
Hospital account shortfallsNo benefit
Step down or physical rehabNo benefit

LPE Advanced

LPE Advanced
PremiumUp to age 65: Single or Family: R 460
Age 66 and over: Single or Family: R 682
Overall Annual LimitR 210 580 per person per annum
Shortfall between the Medical Scheme Rate
and the private rates (in-hospital) charged
by the Medical Practioner or Specialist
up to 600%
Co-Payment Cover No Benefit
Sub-limit benefit No Benefit
Oncology & No Benefit
Additional BenefitsR100 000 Cover for the following listed Procedures:
Impacted Teeth for minors under 18 years or
Reconstructive Surgery due to an accident
Functional Nasal Surgery
Joint Replacement Surgery
Oesophageal Reflux and Hiatus Hernia Surgery
Varicose Veins Surgery
Back and Neck Surgery
Cochlear Implant, Auditory Brain Implant and
Internal Nerve Stimulator Surgery including the Device
Bunionectomy/Arthroscopy/Skin disorders
Removal of tonsills and adenoids
CASUALTY BENEFITThere is a casualty benefit of R11 000


PremiumUp to age 65: Single or Family: R 245
Age 66 and over: Single or Family: R 348
Overall Annual LimitR 210 580 per person per annum
CoverNo Benefit
Co-Payment CoverSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Co-payment or deductibles for certain
procedures (eg. Scopes) done in-hospital
One penalty co-payment R15 000 limit
Sub-limit benefitSubject to Overall Annual Limit
Oncology &Subject to Overall Annual Limit
Additional Benefits
PREMIUM WAIVER BENEFIT6 month subject to conditioins
CANCER INITIAL DIAGNOSIS BENEFITR50 000 subject to exclusions and conditions

Ambledown Gap Cover Waiting Periods

3-Month General Waiting Period

There is a general 3-month waiting period where no benefits will be payable for treatment received. During this three-month period, you will be covered for treatment as a result of an accident.

12-Month Pre-existing Waiting Period

During the first 12 months, a pre-existing clause applies. This clause excludes claims for any treatment or advice that has been received in the 12 months prior to the start of the policy. After the membership has exceeded 12 months, then all benefits are payable regardless of the date the illness or injury occurred.

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